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Building Collision Condition

This condition prevents placing a Building Part if there's a collision with any of the different objects.

You can enable this condition in the "Conditions Settings" section of your Building Part :

The condition is determined by the "Bounds" model of your Building Part, located in the 'Model Settings' section. Ensure they are set up correctly. These are generated automatically when you add a new Building Part, but you can later adjust their size and position to precisely fit your requirements.

When you turn on the condition and your Building Part is in the Unity Editor scene, you can use the Gizmos button at the top-right of the editor window. This shows you where collisions are happening in real-time, giving you instant updates on what's going on with your object.

In the Building Collision Condition, remember to tick the "Show Gizmos" option. This lets you visualize collisions as they happen in your scene. You can then move your objects around and see how they interact with other objects by trying to make them collide.

It is important that the layer you have defined in your Building Collision Condition matches the one on which you intend to detect the collision.

Now that the detection is active, you can choose whether you want collisions to occur. By default, collisions with other objects are disabled.

If you want the Building Part colliding a specific surface to be placed, you'll need to check the "Require Building Surfaces" field. Make sure the "Bounds" hit the desired surface during the preview mode, and define your surfaces. You'll find instructions on how to define one further down the page.

If you want placement to occur only upon contact with another Building Part, you need to check "Require Building Part" and, as mentioned before, ensure that it collides with another Building Part.

For now, it's not possible to choose a specific type of Building Part to allow placement only on it, but this feature will be available in a future update.

Here are some additional explanations for each field that you will find in this condition :

Building Collision Condition - Fields

Building Collision Layers:

Allows you to define the layers with which your Building Part will check for collisions.

Required Building Part Collision:

This allows the placement of the Building Parts only when entering into collision with other Building Parts in your scene.

Required Building Surface Collision:

This allows the placement of the Building Part only on one of the surfaces you have predefined here. If none of these surfaces are found, placement will be refused.

Required Building Surface Tag:

This field allows you to categorize your surfaces using tags. To require collision for permitting the placement, you can simply add a new 'Building Collision Surface' and include its tag in this field.

Building Collision Tolerance:

Allows you to adjust the collision tolerance. The higher the value, the more precise the collision detection will be, with 1 being the maximum and 0 being the minimum. Adjusting this value will display the bounds in red in your scene, changing size according to the tolerance.

Show Debugs, Gizmos:

Enables real-time display of the condition's status directly in the Editor. These two fields should be activated during the configuration of your condition, providing you with more information about what's happening in your scene.

Building Physics Condition

In coming...

Building Terrain Condition

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Last updated